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Hardy Aviation has been operating in the NT since 1991, providing both Charter and Regular Public Transport (RPT) services for a diverse range of customers including Local and Federal Govt., Mining, Oil and Gas, tourism and local communities.
Our fleet is diverse with over 30 aircraft and several different types and capacities.

To support the organisations diverse fleet, Hardy Aviation manages its own internal Approved Maintenance Organisation (AMO) which holds CASR 1998 Pt 145 approval.

Aircraft are maintained in accordance with the CASA Approved Hardy Aviation Operators Maintenance Program (OMP), derived from the Manufacturers recommended maintenance program for the aircraft type and are maintained to the highest standard.

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Hardy Aviation recognises Quality and Safety of its operation, as prime considerations at all times and aims to minimise the risks involved with all its activities.

In order to promote and deliver the highest levels of Safety and Quality, a Quality and Safety Management System (QSMS) has been implemented.

The primary objective of Hardy Aviation’s QSMS is to ensure that Hardy Aviation can continue to deliver a safe product while remaining compliant with regulatory requirements.

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Hardy Aviation QSMS provides a framework that integrates the process for managing risk into the organization’s overall governance, strategy and planning, management, reporting processes, policies, values and culture.

It is a goal of the organisation to manage risk in a systematic, transparent and credible manner.

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Safety & Compliance